Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The BYU Football season started and Michael was consumed. If you know me well enough, you'll know how patient I had to be to devote every Saturday to football and sit through most of them in the snow-which, if you know me well enough, you know I don't do well in either. But Michael was very happy, and I'll admit that I did enjoy the BYU vs. Utah game and I was able to manage the games better after we learned how to bundle me up. (Except for the long walks into the stadium, lots of people, frozen lungs, etc.) Regardless of all that I 'suffered through', I was very happy to share Michael's excited moments for his football team. He gets very worked up and I like to be the one he Victory Hugs.
Shortly after moving to Provo, Michael began getting me familiar with BYU Campus. On this day, he took me to his favorite road-side stand, "J-Dawgs". They have great polish dogs with an amazing 'secret sauce'. While we were enjoying our lunch, there came a straight line of ducks waddling past us, so here we are sharing our Dawg buns with the cute little duckies.

Our first house together. We had borrowed and house sat but as for a house that we had "ownership" of, this is it. It's not gorgeous, but it is SO much more than we ever expected and we're very grateful for it. It's the perfect size for us and meets all of our needs. We're very happy here.


Some highlights from our Honeymoon. We LOVED being in Hawaii. Convertible cars, wind, hair in knots, sticky faces from the humidity, salt dried all over your skin from snorkeling, Seafood, grease and the smell of Sunscreen, sand in your sandals...totally and completely carefree. Impulse snorkeling, warm rain...I could go on forever.

In the top collage, there are pictures of pink pineapple and pineapples that have 3 bushels on top, our meal at the Luau (mouth-watering) some shots from the PCC, hotel room, our car, and some great sun-setting.

In the bottom collage we have some pictures from the show at our Luau (fire-throwers), our favorite beaches, Pearl Harbor, the Sea Turtle we swam with, and some of the activities from the Luau.

Nauvoo Collage 2

Nauvoo Collage 1

These are some of my favorite pictures that give the same feeling that we had in Nauvoo. It was quite, peaceful, beautiful and we were so happy.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On Left-In order from Left to Right
in each row starting at top:
Mary Ellen Stotts, Deanna Bryan,
Aunt Christy, Sam Stotts,
Brad Call, Aunt Tonya,
Grandma Gloria, Larisa Call,
Michael Call, Dad, Mom, Myself.

On Right: Brad and Larisa Call
Michael and Kristin Call
Bret and Terrie Runolfson

The second day in Nauvoo, I went through the Temple and recieved my endowments. My Michael being there with me was one of the sweetest things I can remember.
I think of all of us, Mom had the most laughs over Dad's "renditions" of their early marriage stories.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Mom and Dad exchanged stories about early married life and everyone had a lot of good laughs.

Left is the window in Carthiage Jail that the prophet, Joseph Smith, fell from after being murdered-exterior. Above: Mary Ellen (the photographer) shut us up in the slammer at Carthiage Jail. Above and to the right Michael and I stand at the Window is Carthiage Jail, which Brother Joseph fell/lept from after being shot-interior.

June 6th we started our travel to Nauvoo. We spent the first day acquiring our Marriage License in Carthiage, Hancock County, Ill. The picture below is inside the Hancock County Court House. Below and to the right is the Nauvoo Temple, or "Our Temple", and on the right Michael and I are answering questions for our Marriage License.

On our way to Nauvoo, all the men made a stop in the middle of Nowhere, Missouri at a Firework wearhouse. Needless to say, all the women were crying "Illegal!" and all the men bought fireworks.
Michael's mugshots show off his Rock Star hairstyle. Right before I attempted to cut his hair for the first time, we straightened his waves.
Our wedding was two weeks later, so that haircut was the haircut in our Wedding photos.
In February, I took a flight out to Provo to visit him. He'd been gone since we got engaged in December and I missed him too much. While there, we had our engagement photos taken and I watched him shave for the first time. I caught him on camera when he wasn't expecting it. The picture on the left was his apartment across from Campus. The picture on the right was at his Aunt Ann's house in Ogden. She was our photographer. She has amazing talent.
Valentine's Day, 2007

Our first Valentine's Day. We were newly engaged and Michael was away at school in Utah. Quite a display for being two states away. There were Hersey Kisses on the floor and note reading, "Just kissing the ground you walk on." All those dark spots on the carpet are rose petals. They're also all over the piano. Also included was a dozen roses, a love-letter, and a picture of our Temple.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

We're at the Garland's Christmas Party. Three weeks later he proposed marriage...finally. All the older women at the Party were trying to steal him from me. My brother, Mark, took this picture.